Welcome to My Digital Garden

In October 17, 2023, I launched a personal website for projects, tutorials and anything else I want to show the world. Welcome to my digital garden.

This website is a personal website/blog that stores my personal ideas, concepts and notes. Through this web, all my posts is summarized into a “garden”. Therefore, this blog is named “engarden” or “my digital garden”.

I created this website motivated by my friend, so that I could provide a portfolio and also share tutorials about programming, concept and anything else.

Having a personal website will boost your chances of landing a job. — One of my friends.

I was confused when deciding which language to display on this website. Actually I can’t speak English. But at least I can read and understand the sentences.

Finally, I decided to use English on this website. Why? So that everyone who visits this website is not limited by language. Hope it is useful for you, whether abroad or domestically. Moreover there is a translator apps, like Google Translate. 🤣

What can you do here?

Through this website, you can get to know me more closely, read tutorials, application design concepts or whatever I share here.

There are also special facilities for developers, namely a collection of development tools. This collection of tools is what I usually use to design an application.

Working at night?

Yup, I sometimes have to do assignments at night. Sometimes the monitor light makes the eyes uncomfortable. Therefore, I created a dark mode for this website.

Try Switch to Light Mode


I hope I will inspire others to make their own creative corner on the web as well. You can contact me by email at hello at fahmi.io to say hi! I always appreciate meeting new people.

Post Details
  • Published Oct 17, 2023
About Me

Hello and thanks for visiting! My name is Fahmi, and this is my website and digital garden.

I specialize in web and desktop application. I make open-source projects and write about code, design, and life. Occasionally I'll appear on a friends event, and I blog here once in a while.